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There is something always cooking in the after hours.

People like to call me a wanderlust not just because I like exploring different places but I also like to explore various domains and try out new stuff.
Welcome to my creative dump!!

Visual Design & Storytelling

TAG: Chasing the Rabbit

Street Art | Graffiti | Visual Design



Visual Design | Branding | Graphic Design

NaCl: Visual Depiction of Salt

Visual Design | Graphic Design | Storytelling

Product Design

3D Visualization

Space Design

COVID-19 Visual Identity

Visual Design | Branding | Graphic Design


Boond: Journey of a Drop

Storyboarding | Storytelling | Illustrations


Eketli: Redesigning Electric Kettle

Product Design | User Research | Prototyping

Type Design


Form Exploration

Biomimicry | 3D Modeling & Rendering



36 Days of Type

Typography | Visualization | Type Design

Paints & Pixels

Hand drawn and Digital Illustrations

Brand Space for Sketchup

Space Design | Brand Experience 

Capturing Moments

Photography | Storytelling

Leisure Writing

Space Design | Brand Experience 

Visual design

Remember to get your daily dose of Vitamin C

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